The gentle fairways and pristine gardens of the Los Angeles Country Club provided an elegant and peaceful environment for the Day of Hope 2013 event. It was a day to remember for scholarship recipients, donors and the co-sponsors of the event, AMCAL Multi-Housing and LifeSTEPS.
With their parents and friends looking on, 10 scholarship awardees received honor from the Partnership for Hope. AMCAL’s Executive Vice-President, Maurice Ramirez and LifeSTEPS’ Executive Director, Beth Southorn introduced each recipient and presented them with their awards.
“Take this opportunity, go out into the world, and hit a home run!” Beth Southorn encouraged the recipients. “Not only will your world be changed, but you will change the world for others.”

Maurice Ramirez also introduced
the Partnership for Hope’s newest
undertaking, The Hope Society.
“The Hope Society is a way to keep our Hope scholars, donor investors, and the people at AMCAL and LifeSTEPS connected on a continuing basis.” Maurice said. “It will be a valuable resource to our scholars as they seek internships and employment after they graduate.”

Each of the attendees received a Hope Society pin as gift, and it was announced that a Hope Society Facebook page will serve as the communication hub for this new venture. The launch of the Facebook site will occur sometime in early October.
The Partnership for Hope was established by AMCAL Multi-Housing and LifeSTEPS in 2011. The purpose of the partnership is to raise funds for college scholarships, client emergency assistance, youth development activities, and employability services for residents at AMCAL properties served by LifeSTEPS. Thus far the Partnership has raised over $300,000. Since its founding, Partnership for Hope has awarded 23 individuals with scholarships and hundreds of residents have been supported through other functions of the fund.
Donations to the Hope Fund can be made by clicking the SUPPORT US tab.