AMCAL & LifeSTEPS: Partnering to Give HOPE

Launched in 2011, the Partnership for HOPE (and its resulting HOPE Fund) provides financial assistance specifically to the approximately 10,000 residents of the 44 AMCAL communities we serve. The goals, as with all LifeSTEPS programs, are to help our residents establish self-sufficiency, break the cycle of poverty, and forge a hope for the future. One of the main ways the HOPE fund sets out to accomplish this is true academic scholarships, as AMCAL CEO Percy Vaz believes deeply in education as the key to unlocking a successful future.

We are so proud of the results of this partnership! In 2016, we were able to grant $65,786 in college assistance to 22 incredible young people, such as the ones featured in this video. Watch to learn more about how, thanks to AMCAL, we are changing lives through the Partnership for Hope!



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