Entries by Katie Goad

Holiday Gift Deliveries

This last week LifeSTEPS, USA Properties Fund, and the Golden Girls were able to gift 16 families and 7 seniors with presents for the holidays. The Golden Girls, an organization of senior women at Vintage Woods, raised funds throughout the last year in order to make donations to deserving families for Thanksgiving and Christmas. They […]

12 Days of Giving Finds Phoenix Park

On the evening of December 10th 2013, the Sacramento Kings and Kaiser Permanente graced the good people of Phoenix Park with groceries need for the Holidays. Over 100 people stood in line that day waiting for turkeys, green beans, sweet rolls, and so much more. Even though the truck carrying the food broke down on […]

Giving Back for Thanksgiving!

The “Golden Girls” is a small, but powerful organization of women at our Vintage Woods property that annually raise funds to give back to families in need during the holiday season! As you can see from the photo, they go above and beyond each year to ensure that each family they adopt will have enough […]

Holiday Shopping and Donating at the Same Time!

  Wanting to do your holiday shopping online this year AND donate to LifeSTEPS at the same time?  Well, by shopping at http://www.goodsearch.com/goodshop.aspx you can buy from all of your normal vendors like Target, Bed Bath & Beyond and so many more. In addition to online shopping through this site, the vendor will actually make […]