Effie Yeaw Nature Center Visits LifeSTEPS



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADuring the month of February the Effie Yeaw Nature Center visited LifeSTEPS After School Programs in the Sacramento area. Their knowledgeable staff brought in props, such as animal skulls, snake skin shreddings, and even live animals! The students were taught about the local animals that are native to the Sacramento area. Each lesson was focused around different places you would find these animals, like the local rivers or woods.

Not only were these students learning about their environment, but they were truly enjoying the activities. LifeSTEPS is grateful for the Effie Yeaw Nature Center and their wonderful employees for coming to our communities to teach youth about the biological life that can be found all around us!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

 Click here to learn more about the Nature Center or visit them Tuesday through Sunday 9am-5pm at 2850 San Lorenzo Way in Carmichael, CA 95608.



2 replies
  1. charding says:

    We had a great turn out at Northpointe Park! It was really fun, engaging and educational! I was very amazed and excited to see the animals..up close and personal! :-D

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