Immigration Services

Striving for the American Dream

When Christian came to the United States as a child, he did not anticipate the obstacles he would endure due to his immigration status. Attending school in the United States for the majority of his childhood, all Christian wanted was to follow the path that his fellow classmates were on which was attending college and working hard toward a better future. Living in poverty due to the instability of his father’s job as a farmworker, Christian was determined to provide a better life for his parents who sacrificed so much for him.

Being a part of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Christian felt a sense of security knowing that attending college was still possible despite his immigration status. Never running into any issues, Christian was at a standstill the moment he learned that his DACA status was up for renewal. Knowing that his family could never afford the expensive fees, Christian reached out to his Director of Social Services, Maria hoping for guidance.

Learning of his situation, Maria connected Christian to LifeSTEPS’ immigration services. Walking him through the whole process of renewing his application and filing the necessary paperwork, LifeSTEPS was able to help provide funding and support every step of the way. No longer in fear, Christian was able to renew his status and continue pursuing his dreams of higher education. “I’m glad LifeSTEPS was there to help us. We’ll forever be grateful for all that has been done for us,” Christian says. Thanks to caring individuals like Maria, at-risk individuals are able to seek out solutions and get the necessary help that is needed to maintain stability.