Helping older adults age in place

Supporting LifeSTEPS’ commitment to helping older adults age in place, nursing students from Samuel Merritt University recently held blood pressure clinics at Vintage Oaks and Sierra Sunrise, two affordable housing communities developed by our partner USA Properties. The nurses screened LifeSTEPS residents for high blood pressure and distributed blank tracking charts to bring to their primary care physicians. Residents also received helpful educational materials on safe blood pressure ranges.

#health #aginginplace #thrivinginplace #aging #residentservices #housingplusservices #housing #healthequity #nursing #LifeSTEPS #25YearsStrong

Spooktacular Events at LifeSTEPS’ Communities

Things are getting spooky at LifeSTEPS’ affordable housing communities across California this week! Staff and residents of all ages are celebrating Halloween with “Grab and Go” socials and spooktacular events which feature goody bags, music, costumes, games and of course, candy!


LifeSTEPS Supports Housing Credit Provisions in Build Back Better Act

Please join us in signing onto ACTION Campaign’s letter asking the White House and Congressional leadership to include Housing Credit provisions and affordable housing funding in the Build Back Better Act. Affordable housing improves both physical and mental health outcomes, stabilizes neighborhoods, helps seniors to live independently and age-in-place, and generates economic growth.

The current Housing Credit production provisions in the House Ways and Means Committee-passed Build Back Better Act would provide an additional 1.4 million affordable homes and house an estimated 3.2 million low-income people and people experiencing homelessness. These proposals include increasing the annual Housing Credit allocation by more than 50 percent, lowering the bond financing threshold to 25 percent to unlock additional Housing Credit resources, and allowing more Housing Credit equity to make feasible properties in rural and Native communities and for extremely low-income tenants. These provisions would address the severe oversubscription of the Housing Credit program, enabling a pipeline of developments to quickly get underway in delivering affordable homes.

#HousingCredit #reconciliationbill #housingmatters #residentservices

“You have a Friend in Me” Staff Training

LifeSTEPS’ Los Angeles Valley team shared a fun-filled afternoon yesterday connecting at our regional staff training at Hollenbeck Terrace. To the tune of “You Have a Friend in Me,” staff donned Toy Story apparel and discussed LifeSTEPS’ resident services programing. An afternoon of team building activities and interactive games produced positive energy and interactions, creating an inspiring time for this amazing group who always “sticks together and sees it through” when it comes to serving our residents. Go team!


#kindnessmatters #leadershipdevelopment #teambuilding #positivechange #characterdevelopment #impact #residentservices #LifeSTEPS #25YearsStrong