LifeSTEPS Leaders Delve into Self-Care at the 2023 Affordable Housing and Community Development Conference in San Diego

San Diego, CA – October 2nd, 2023 – LifeSTEPS Executive Director, Beth Southorn, and LifeSTEPS Trainer, Bruce Kuban were welcomed as distinguished guest speakers at the 2023 Affordable Housing and Community Development Conference in San Diego.

The duo delved into the concept of “Self-Care,” discussing its definition and advocating for its integration as a non-negotiable habit. Beth Southorn and Bruce Kuban highlighted the ethical obligation professionals have to care for themselves and the far-reaching consequences for themselves, their loved ones, and those they serve when neglecting self-care.

The presentation aimed to provide attendees with strategies to incorporate self-care into their routine, fostering a well-balanced approach to both personal and professional life. The speakers emphasized the role of self-care in preventing emotional hazards associated with the demanding nature of direct service careers and showcased the importance of ethical responsibility in maintaining individual well-being.

A key aspect of the discussion centered on burnout and compassion fatigue, framing self-care as an integral part of professional ethics. Beth Southorn and Bruce Kuban emphasized that, regardless of the situation or individual, neglecting self-care is never justified, reinforcing the idea that taking care of oneself is a responsibility that cannot be ignored.

The presentation concluded with practical steps, including the creation of a personal self-care checklist and a roadmap to guide professionals in planning and implementing achievable activities. These activities are intended to contribute to a well-balanced self-care routine, ensuring long-term success in direct service careers without compromising individual well-being.

LifeSTEPS remains committed to empowering professionals in the field of affordable housing and resident services, promoting a culture of self-care as an essential component of ethical responsibility.

For further information, please visit LifeSTEPS website at

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